Links to Wolf Organizations and Facilities
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List of many links
If you would like to have your site added, or if there is a problem with any of the links, please contact Monty Sloan

Organizations with Wolves

The Canadian Centre for Wolf Research, Nova Scotia, Canada Call of the Wild - Wild Wolves in Haliburton!, Ontario, Canada
The Institute for Environmental Learning, New York International Wolf Center, Minnesota
The Julian Center for Science and Education, California Mission:Wolf -- Sanctuary for Wolves, Colorado
The North American Wolf Association, Texas Wild Sentry Ambassador Wolf Education Program, Montana
Wolf Education and Research Center, Idaho Wolf Haven International, Washington
Wolf Hollow or Wolf Hollow, Massachusetts Wolf Mountain Sanctuary, California
WCSRC - The Wolf Sanctuary, Missouri

Other Wolf & Wolf Related Organizations
in North America

Friends of the Wolf
or Friends of the Wolf
The Maine Wolf Coalition
Minnesota Wolf Alliance Natural Resources Foundation Of Wisconsin, Inc.
The New Hampshire Wolf Alliance, Inc. Predator Project
Restore the North Woods Sinapu
Timber Wolf  Information Network Wolf Awareness Inc.
Wolf Song of Alaska WWF - Canadian Wolf Facts

Other Wolf & Wolf Related Organizations
in Europe

Belgium Shelter for Wolves Born Free Foundation- Operation Wolf
The Dutch Wolf Foundation Gesellschaft zum Schutz der WÖlfe e.V.
Iberian Wolf Recovery Center The Swedish Carnivore Association
UK Wolf Conservation Trust Wolf Help UK.
Wolf Watch UK. Wilk A Polish Wolf site, in Polish.

For comprehensive lists of zoos around the world!

ZooNet, Zoological E-mail Directory or IWC Directory of Wolf Organizations

Wolves & Zoos with Wolves Wolf-Dog Hybrids
Zoos with Wolf Park Wolves Other Wolf Organizations Sites Featuring Wolf Park Misc. Sites Using Monty Sloan Photos Wolf Hybrids Wolf Hybrid Rescue
Wolf Biologists, Research, News & Education Other Animal Sites
Wolf Recovery
& Wolf Subspp.
Wolf Biologists and Research Papers Wolf News Articles Resources & Fed. Reps. Bison Sites Coyote Sites Red Fox Sites Other Animals
Dogs, Training & Enrichment Wolf Books, Art & Other Fun Stuff
Behavioral Enrichment Dog Behavior & Training Sites Livestock Guarding & Other Dog Sites National Parks with Wolves Wolf Books Wolf Art, Kids & Other Fun Sites
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Unless otherwise noted, all photographs
© Monty Sloan/Wolf Park
For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please check with Monty Sloan

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Site managed by Tigerwolf Images used with permission of the Artist
Web page © 1998 Monty Sloan
Last revised: Friday, March 20, 1998 11:12:27 AM